School Fees

One time payment

Registration / application fee: Rs.300
Admission fee (LKG –XII) Rs.5000
Cost of Books, uniform etc. to be paid extra.

Fees per year

Particulars KG 1-V VI-VIII IX&X XI&XII
Special fee* Rs.1900 Rs.1900 Rs.1900 Rs.1900 Rs.1900
Tuition fee Rs.28500 Rs.30600 Rs.32400 Rs.33900 Rs.59700
Development fee Rs.3900 Rs.3900 Rs.4500 Rs.5100 Rs.6600
Total Rs.34300 Rs.36400 Rs.38800 Rs.40900 Rs.68200
Fees for an academic year is collected in three installments.
*Special Fee includes Exam fee, Sports fee, Stationery fee etc.
Refreshment fee for KG & Classes I to V to be paid extra.
CBSE fee for Registration, Sports, Exam. and SGAI, if applicable, to be paid extra.

Date for payments

I Instalment On or before 15 June
II Instalment On or before 15 Sept
III Instalment On or before 15 Jan
Students will not be allowed to attend the class or write the terminal examinations if fees are not paid before deadline.